Frequently Asked Questions
Your Questions, Answered
If you’ve never visited a professional Reflexologist before, you’re bound to have lots of questions or concerns. Below, you’ll find a list of several frequently asked questions from my patients. Connect with me today for more information.
What to expect during a Therapeutic Reflexology Treatment?
A firm massage technique is applied to the reflex points on the feet. The treatment will mostly be a pleasant experience; however some sensitive reflexes can be painful. During the treatment some people feel relaxed and even doze off.
Please wear comfortable clothing for your session. Avoid wearing tights or skinny jeans as you will be asked to remove these items of clothing as they constrict the blood flow to the lower limb when pulled up to knee height.
Does Medical Aid Cover Therapeutic Reflexology?
Always check with your medical aid if they cover Therapeutic Reflexology. In order for you to be able to claim your treatment back from your medical aid you need to ensure that your reflexologist is Register with the Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa (AHPCSA) and that they have a practice number.
Zené Jordaan: Therapeutic Reflexologist is registered with AHPCSA & has a practice number. Kindly note that patient's are required to submit their own invoices to medical aid for reimbursement.
Will a Therapeutic Reflexologist be able to cure or heal a condition?
A reflexologist cannot cure nor heal any conditions; we only assist the body to unlock its own healing potential.
The effects of Reflexology may not be capable of removing the cause of terminal diseases, such as cancer, multiple sclerosis and Aids, but the person can be made more comfortable and the pain bearable.
It can significantly improve the patient's general condition, activate excretory organs, stimulate the respiratory system and assist in better control of the bladder and bowels. In this way regular Therapeutic Reflexology treatments can improve the quality of life.
Can I still have a reflexology treatment if I have a fungal foot infection or infected toe?
Yes, you can still have a reflexology treatment.
The treatment will be conducted with latex gloves to ensure that cross-infection between the patient and therapist does not occur. Should you have a latex allergy please bring a long a pair of clean cottons socks to wear on the affected foot/feet.