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Writer's pictureZené Jordaan

Blood Group Diet

I am a firm believer in the old adage "You are what you eat."

You literally become what you eat. All the nutrients in your food is used by the body to form or repair your cells. These nutrients provide the foundation of the structure, function, and integrity of every cell in your body.

So if this is true, then why do some people lose weight on certain diets and others gain weight? Why are some people more prone to certain diseases than others? The answer lies within our different blood types.

There are 4 blood groups namely A, B, AB and O. It is then further divided by the Rhesus (Rh) system into positive or negative. (A+, A-, B+, B-, AB+, AB-, O+, O-) It is believed that your blood group is the deciding factor on how the body burns calories, your emotional reaction to stress and your energy levels. In Japanese cultures you might even be asked your blood type whilst applying for a position as they firmly believe that your blood type is indicative to your personality.

Interesting Blood Group Facts

Type A:

In South Africa approximately 37% of citizens belong to either A positive or A negative. Type A can donate blood to type A & AB, but can only receive blood from type A and O.

Type A is considered the vegetarian of all the blood groups. They tend to thrive more on vegetables than on animal products and fat.

Through the years many physicians have found that those with Group-A blood react badly to a high protein diet, which includes high volumes of red meat, this is due to the low hydrochloric acid levels within the stomach as well as low enzyme levels. The consumption of dairy products leads to excess mucus production within the sinus cavities and airways.

According to Dr. D'Adamo, Type A tend to have higher cortisol levels (stress hormone). Stress also tend to manifest in more serious ways, causing obsessive-compulsive disorder, insulin resistance and hypothyroidism. Type As are also more prone to develop cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

Type B:

Roughly 14% of South Africans fall into either the B positive or B negative blood group. Type B can donate blood to type B and AB, but can only receive blood from type B and O.

Type B has a rich Nomadic heritage and dominated the Eurasian Plains.

According to Dr. D'Adamo, the primary challenges that can get in the way of optimum health for Type B include a tendency to produce higher than normal cortisol levels in situations to stress; sensitivity to the B specific lectins in select foods, resulting in inflammation and greater risk for developing Syndrome X; susceptibility to slow growing, lingering viruses - such as those for MS, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and lupus; and a vulnerability to autoimmune diseases.

Type AB:

Type AB is the rarest with only 4% of South Africans having this blood type. Type AB can only donate to themselves. People who have AB+ blood are universal recipients which means that they can receive blood from any other blood group. Type AB- can receive blood from other negative types such as O-, A-, B- and AB-

Type AB is the 'newest' of the blood types. Ten or twelve centuries ago, there was little to no Type AB blood type. Type AB is the only blood type whose existence is the result of intermingling rather than evolution and environment.

Type AB has Type A’s low stomach acid, however, they also have Type B’s adaptation to meats. Therefore, you lack enough stomach acid to metabolize them efficiently and the meat you eat tends to get stored as fat. Because type AB has both the A and the B blood type antigens, foods that contain chemicals called lectins are more likely to react with the tissues and cells of type AB than any of the other blood types.

Type O:

Type O is the most common blood group in South Africa, with at least 45% of the population falling into this category. Type O positive can donate to all positive types O+, A+, B+ and AB+. Type O- can donate blood to anyone. Type O- is known as the Universal Donors, however type O- can receive blood from O- and O+ donors. Type O+ can receive blood from other O+ donors.

Type O is considered the Carnivore of all the blood groups.

Blood Type O may be predisposed to ulcers and thyroid disorders. In the 1950’s it was discovered that Type O’s had about twice the instances of ulcers of all kinds than the other blood types.

Type O has higher levels of stomach acid than any other blood type. This blood type has a very well-developed ability to digest meals that contain both protein and fat. An enzyme called intestinal alkaline phosphatase, and a lipoprotein, ApoB48 are secreted into the digestive tract in much higher amounts by Type O's. These factors enhance the ability of Type O to not only metabolize the cholesterol in animal products more efficiently, but also increase their ability to heal their digestive tract and better assimilate calcium.

In Type O simple carbohydrates from grains are more easily converted into fats and triglycerides. Many grains also contain reactive proteins called lectins that irritates the immune system, resulting in unwanted inflammation and autoimmune disease.

Blood Type & Disease Risk

Berkeley, University of California has found the following disease risks associated with certain blood types.

Cardiovascular Disease:

In a 2012 study of Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology researcher found that blood type AB was associated with a 23% higher risk of cardiovascular disease, compared with type O, while type B was associated with an 11% higher risk, and type A a 5% higher risk. Other research has linked blood type A with higher levels of LDL ("bad") cholesterol, and type AB with an increase in inflammation, both of which raise the risk of cardiovascular disease.


In a 2015 study in BMC Medicine, 50 000 people, age 40 - 70 was followed for 7 years and it was found that those with type A, B or AB blood were at higher risk for developing stomach cancer and pancreatic cancer as well as dying from heart disease, in comparison with people with type O blood. The American Cancer Society lists type A blood among the risk factors for stomach cancer (which also include H. pylori infection and tobacco use).


Researcher from France found in a 2015 study in Diabetologia that type 2 diabetes was more likely to develop in those with type A & B blood compared with type O.

Memory & Stroke:

A 2014 study in Neurology of 500 adults who had cognitive impairment found that a greater portion was of type AB blood. Those with AB blood was associated with higher levels of blood clotting protein compared to those with type O blood. Other research by the same researchers found that type AB blood was linked with a higher risk of stroke resulting from a clot blocking blood flow to the brain.

Malaria: In the Journal Nature Medicine of 2015 Swedish researcher has found that a specific protein secreted by the malaria parasite tends to bind more tightly to red blood cells that are type A than type O.

Blood Type Diet

I have created an eBook for each Blood Type in which you will find quick facts about common health concerns, strengths and vulnerabilities.  It also features detailed food lists, portion sizes for Asian, Caucasian & African ancestry along with exercises and supplements that are most beneficial to the respective blood type.

Click on the below links to get your eBook today!

Disclaimer: Please consult your Medical Caregiver prior to embarking on any new diet. By following the respective diets you do so at your own risk. These diets are not tailored to the individual and should be viewed as a general guideline for those wishing to change their diet.


2. Website: Dr. D'Adamo: Eat Right For Your Type

3. Published Book: God's Pharmacy, Part II; Herman Uys

4. Internet Article: Berkeley, University of California: Blood Type & Health, Berkeley

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